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[1] Grigoris Balakian, Armenian Golgotha (New York: Vintage, 2010), 414.

[2] Otto Liman von Sanders, Five Years in Turkey (Annapolis: US naval Institute, 1927), 321–325;Balakian, Armenian Golgotha, 414–416.

[3] Vahakn N. Dadrian and Taner Akçam, Judgment at Istanbul: The Armenian Genocide Trials(New York: Berghahn Books, 2011), 25–26.

[4] Dadrian and Akçam, Judgment at Istanbul, 250–280.

[5] 1919年4月12日主要起訴書的文稿,發表在Takvîm-i Vekâyi 3540 (27 Nisan 1335/27 April 1919),全文譯文見Dadrian and Akçam, Judgment at Istanbul, 271–282.

[6] Dadrian and Akçam, Judgment at Istanbul, 195–197;關於巴拉基昂對審判的反映,可對比Armenian Golgotha, 426–427.

[7] Jacques Derogy, Opération némésis: Les vengeurs ar門iens [復꿩行動: 亞美尼亞復꿩者](Paris: Fayard, 1986)。

[8] 近期基於奧斯曼檔案資料有關傑馬勒帕夏針對亞美尼亞그政策的研究,可比對 M. TalhaÇiçek, War and State Formation in Syria: Cemal Pasha’s Governorate During World War I, 1914–17 (London: Routledge, 2014), 106–141. 關於恩維爾的死,參見David Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace: Creating the Modern Middle East, 1914–1922 (London: AndréDeutsch, 1989), 487–488.

[9] “Ottoman Memorandum to the Supreme Council of the Paris Peace Conference, 23 June 1919,” in Hurewitz, The Middle East and North Africa in World Politics, 2:174–176.

[10] 對戰後和平條約條款的分析,可參見 Margaret MacMillan, Peacemakers: The Paris Conference of 1919 and Its Attempt to End War (London: John Murray, 2001)。

[11] “Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, 28 June 1919,” in Hurewitz, Middle East and North Africa in World Politics, 2:179–180.

[12] “Political Clauses of the Treaty of Sèvres, 10 August 1920,” in Hurewitz, Middle East and North Africa in World Politics, 2:219–225.

[13] “Tripartite (Sèvres) Agreement on Anatolia: The British Empire, France and Italy, 10 August 1920,” in Hurewitz, Middle East and North Africa in World Politics, 2:225–228.

[14] “The Turkish National Pact, 28 January 1920,” in Hurewitz, Middle East and North Africa in World Politics, 2:209–211.

[15] Liman von Sanders, Five Years in Turkey, 321–325.

[16] 引自King Abdullah of Transjordan, Memoirs of King Abdullah of Transjordan (New York: Philosophical library, 1950), 174. 關於法赫利帕夏的投降,參見King Abdullah’s memoirs,174–180;James Barr, Setting the Desert on Fire: T. E. Lawrence and Britain’s Secret War in Arabia, 1916–1918 (New York: W. W. Norton, 2008), 308–309.

[17] 關於關押變節北非士兵的營눓,或Centres de regroupement de repatriés indigènes,參見Thomas DeGeorges,“A Bitter Homecoming: Tunisian Veterans of the First and Second World Wars” (PhD diss., Harvard University, 2006), 45.

[18] A. H. Wilkie, Official War History of the Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment (Auckland: Whitcombe and Tombs, 1924), 235–236;C. Guy Powles, The New Zealanders in Sinai and Palestine (Auckland: Whitcombe and Tombs, 1922), 266–267;Roland Perry, The Australian Light Horse (Sydney: Hachette Australia, 2010), 492–496.

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