零九年代替C羅加入皇馬 - 第3章 Am I a double? (1/2)

第3章 Am I a double?

Arsenal now have a total of 33 players in the first team, along with Li Siqi, which is more than enough to gather the two teams for a match.

Team A: Goalkeeper: Almunia

Defenders: Clichy, Gallas, Toure, Sagna

Midfielders: Rosicky, Flamini, Fabregas, Hleb

Forward: Eduardo, Adebayor

Team B: Goalkeeper: Fabianski

Defenders: Senderos, Ebe, Hoyte, Traore

Midfielders: Diaby, Alexander Song, Silva, Li Siqi

Forward: Walcott, Bennett

B team has the ball, Walcott passes the ball back to Silva, Silva quickly crosses over Li Siqi, Flamini and Krich come forward to press for it. Li Siqi turns around, kicks the ball with his right foot, Krich reaches out his left foot to kick the ball away, but Li Siqi's left foot takes a quick step and crosses the crotch, Krich can only turn around awkwardly.

At the same time, Flamini quickly charged towards Li Siqi. Li Siqi's right foot crossed the football, made a sudden stop and turned around, shook off Flamini, and his right foot pulled again. A Qin king walked around the pillar and continued to drive the ball around Krich.

Flamini had already caught up with Li Siqi on the right side. Just as he was about to break the ball, Li Siqi lightly poked through Flamini's small goal with his left foot. Flamini tried to intercept the ball with his back foot, but lost his balance and sat down on the ground.

Krich wanted to reach out and pull on Li Siqi's jersey. Li Siqi accelerated and swung it over, and Gallas stepped forward to defend. Li Siqi missed the ball and made a quick stop. He then supported his right foot and turned around, quickly switching his support foot. With a bump on the instep of his right foot and a left foot, Gallas lost his center of gravity and was knocked to the ground.

After showcasing the skills, it's time to showcase others, and being seen as a one armed person is not good. Li Siqi trembled with his left foot and passed the ball to Walcott. The goalkeeper had been defending Li Siqi, but facing Walcott's volley, he was naturally powerless to recover.

In just 12 seconds, Team B scored the goal!

On May 14, 2004, Van Persie officially signed with Arsenal for a transfer fee of only 2.75 million pounds, which is infinitely higher than Li Siqi's 800000 yuan training compensation.

Between the end of 2005 and the beginning of 2006, Van Persie was in excellent form, scoring 6 goals in 7 games.

However, in a game against Manchester United, Van Persie unexpectedly broke his metatarsal bone while celebrating a goal, forcing an early end to the season. After this injury, Eduardo quickly rose to the top.

In October 2007, Van Persie injured his knee while playing for the Dutch national team and was forced to rest for two months; In mid December, Van Persie made a comeback, but with repeated injuries, Walcott was about to succeed in his position.

After scoring the goal, Walcott opened his arms and ran over to embrace Li Siqi, regardless of whether Li Siqi understood or not: "Well done! I haven't seen Flamini so embarrassed before

Pop pop pop! "Wenger applauded from the sidelines, but deep concerns welled up within him - such flashy football is not like European players at all, but rather feels like a South American player.

Piercing through the small gate... using these techniques in English, I don't know whether to kick the ball or be kicked as a ball. The biggest fear is that only Li Siqi is playing the ball, and the other 11 people are all playing Li Siqi.

More importantly, players like him cannot afford to be physically challenged, and physical confrontation is not much better; I used to play in the Spanish youth league before, but it wasn't from La Masia yet, so I guess I don't have much self-protection experience.

If a major injury is caused, it may turn into a glass person or be scrapped directly.

Rosicky was a bit flustered. Born in 1980, he was only 27 years old and was at the peak of his consciousness and technology.

In May 2006, Rosicky transferred from Borussia Dortmund to Arsenal Football Club in the English Premier League for a transfer fee of 6.8 million pounds, but his position on the field was not as stable as that of Fabregas and Hleb.

At Arsenal, everyone can see Wenger's favor for Fabregas. At the age of 20, he is already the core midfielder of the team and his position is extremely stable.
