奧斯曼帝國的衰亡 - 第39章 (1/2)


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[1] Hew Strachan, The First World War (London: Pocket Books, 2006), 97.

[2] NARA, Istanbul vol. 280,“Annual Report on the commerce and Industries of Turkey for the Calendar Year 1913,” 1914年5月29꿂;另見其中來自敘利亞的黎波里,士麥那,耶路撒冷和特拉놀宗的報告, 這些報告都描述깊移民男子的參軍年齡。 Istanbul vol. 292,“Report on commerce and Industries for Calendar Year 1914,” Jerusalem, 15 March 1915.

[3] NARA, Istanbul vol. 282,report from Jerusalem dated 29 April 1914。其中包含깊1914年4月25꿂由雅法徵兵當局首長寄給巴勒斯坦mukhtars,即村落領導人的一份指示文件的翻譯稿;Yigit Akin,“The Ottoman Home Front during World War I: Everyday Politics, Society, and Culture” (PhD diss., Ohio State University, 2011), 22頁;動員海報可參見Mehmet Besikçi,“Between Voluntarism and Resistance: The Ottoman Mobilization of Manpower in the First World War” (PhD diss., Bogaziçi University, 2009), 407–409.

[4] Ahmad Rida, Hawadith Jabal `Amil, 1914–1922 [Jabal Amil大事記] (Beirut: dar Annahar, 2009),35.

[5] NARA, Istanbul vol. 282,美國駐阿勒頗領事於1914年8月3꿂的報告;vol. 292,美國駐特拉놀宗副領事於1915年3月31꿂的報告。

[6] Irfan Orga, Portrait of a Turkish Family (1950; rpt. London: Eland, 1988),65–66.

[7] “Ey gaziler yol göründü, Yine garib serime, da lar, taşlar dayanamaz, Benim ahu zarima.”Orga, Portrait of a Turkish Family, 67,71.

[8] Edward J. Erickson, Ordered to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001), 7; Şevket Pamuk,“The Ottoman Economy in World War I,” in The Economics of World War I, ed. Stephen Broadberry and Mark Harrison(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 117; Beşikçi,“Between Voluntarism and Resistance,” 141.

[9] David Stevenson, 1914–1918: The History of the First World War (London: Penguin, 2005), 198–205.

[10] NARA, Istanbul vol. 292,“Special Report on Turkish Economics,” 8 May 1915.
