奧斯曼帝國的衰亡 - 第39章 (2/2)

[11] NARA, Istanbul vol. 282, report from Aleppo, 3 August 1914; Istanbul vol. 292,“Trade and commerce at Beirut for the Year 1914, and January 1915,” 15 April 1915;“Annual Report on commerce and Industries for 1914,” Harput, 1 January 1915; Istanbul vol. 295,“Trade Depression in Turkey Caused by European War,” Smyrna (Izmir), 26 February 1915.

[12] Pamuk, “The Ottoman Economy in World War I,” 117.

[13] Beşikçi,“Between Voluntarism and Resistance,” 73–76;NARA, Istanbul vol. 292,“Special Report on Turkish Economics,” Istanbul,1915年5月8꿂。

[14] NARA, Istanbul vol. 279, letter from Hakki Pasha, governor of Adana to the US consul in Mersin, dated 6 Aghustos 1330;關於劫掠商店和勒索的描述,見vol. 279, letter from US consul in Jerusalem, 19 September 1914; correspondence with the Singer Manufacturing company, September and October 1914; letter from Ottoman governor of Adana to US consul in Mersin, August 1914; report from US consul in Baghdad of 5 October 1914. See also Istanbul vol. 292,“Special Report on Turkish Economics,” 8 May 1915.

[15] Erik Jan Zürcher,“Between death and desertion: The Experience of the Ottoman Soldier in World War I,” Turcica 28 (1996): 235–258;Pamuk,“The Ottoman Economy in World War I,”126;NARA, Istanbul vol. 292,“Special Report on Turkish Economics,” Istanbul,8 May 1915;Istanbul vol. 294,“Increased Cost of living in Constantinople,” 2 December 1915。

[16] Ahmed Emin, Turkey in the World War (new Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1930), 107.

[17] 一位出身貴族的阿爾及利亞上尉,Khaled El Hachemi,曾在法國的軍事精英學院Saint-Cyrien深造,他是非常罕見的一個例外。Gilbert Meynier,L’Algérie révélée: La guerre de 1914–1918 et le premier quart du XXe siècle (Geneva: Droz, 1981), 85–87.

[18] 法語里他的全名是Mostapha Ould Kaddour Tabti. Mohammed Soualah,“Nos troupes d’Afrique et l’Allemagne,” Revue africaine 60 (1919): 495–496.

[19] Meynier, L’Algérie révélée, 98–103.

[20] Jean Mélia, L’Algérie et la guerre (1914–1918) (Paris: Plon, 1918), 28–32. 法語歌詞為:“la République nous appelle, Sachons vaincre ou sachons périr, Un Français doit vivre pour elle, Pour elle un Français doit mourir.” 最後一句,據Messali回憶,變成깊“Pour elle un Arabe doit mourir”。 Messali Hadj, Les mémoires de Messali Hadj, 1898–1938 (Paris: J. C. lattès, 1982), 76.
