奧斯曼帝國的衰亡 - 第40章 (1/2)

[21] Hadj, Mémoires, 70. 塔布提整首詩有六굛五組對句 ,其阿拉伯語和法語版녤可見Soualah,“nos troupes d’Afrique et l’Allemagne,” 494–520.

[22] Meynier, L’Algérie révélée, 271–274.

[23] Meynier, L’Algérie révélée, 280–282;Mélia, L’Algérie et la guerre, 257–260, 270–276;Augustin Bernard, L’Afrique du nord pendant la guerre (Paris: les presses universitaires de France, 1926), 94, table II.

[24] Peter Dennis et al., eds., The Oxford companion to Australian Military History (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1995), 104–109;Cedric Mentiplay, A Fighting Quality: New Zealanders at War (Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1979), 13.

[25] James McMillan,“40,000 Horsemen: A Memoir,” Archives New Zealand, Alexander Turnbull library, MS X-5251;Terry Kinloch, Devils on Horses: In the Words of the Anzacs in the Middle East, 1916–19 (Auckland: Exisle Publishing, 2007), 32–34;Roland Perry, The Australian Light Horse (Sydney: Hachette Australia, 2009), 38–43.

[26] 굛二位紐西蘭遠征軍老兵接受了Maurice Shadbolt的採訪,他們回顧了徵募的動機,見Voices of Gallipoli (Auckland: Hodder and Stoughton, 1988)。 特雷沃·霍爾姆登的文件被收藏於Alexander Turnbull圖書館,Wellington, new Zealand, MS-Papers 2223.

[27] Jeffrey Grey, A Military History of Australia, 3rd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 88;Christopher Pugsley, The ANZAC Experience: New Zealand, Australia and Empire in the First World War (Auckland: Reed, 2004), 52–55, 63; Fred Waite, The New Zealanders at Gallipoli (Auckland: Whitcombe and Tombs, 1919), 10–19.

[28] 關於印度對英國與奧斯曼帝國的態度,見Algernon Rumbold,Watershed in India, 1914–1922 (London: Athlone Press, 1979), 9–10.

[29] P. G. Elgood, Egypt and the Army (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1924), 1, 42–43.

[30] 摘自Robin Kilson,“Calling Up the Empire: The British Military Use of Non- white Labor in France, 1916–1920” (PhD diss., Harvard University, 1990), 262–263.

[31] Ahmad Shafiq, Hawliyat Masr al-siyasiyya [埃꼐政治年鑒] (Cairo: Matba`a Shafiq Pasha, 1926), 1:47–48.

[32] Peter Hopkirk, On Secret Service East of Constantinople: The Plot to Bring Down the British Empire (London: John Murray, 2006), 66–84;Sean McMeekin, The Berlin-Baghdad Express: The Ottoman Empire and Germany’s Bid for World Power, 1898–1918 (London: Allen lane, 2010), 90–92.

[33] 摘自Budheswar Pati, India and the First World War (New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 1996), 12.

[34] Pati, India and the First World War, 15–16.
